Do you rely on drugs such as oxycodone or hydrocodone to help you get through your day without agonizing pain? Do you worry that these drugs may be placing your health at unacceptable risk? Do you feel anxious or count the minutes until your next dosage of these pain relievers regardless of that risk? If

Do You Depend on Opioids to Keep You Moving? Understand How PT Can Kick Your Opioid Dependence
October 10th, 2019
Therapeutic Massage: How it Can Help You Get Back in the Game
August 20th, 2019If you are an athlete, you know the amount of dedication that it takes. Whether you’re preparing for a marathon, competition, recital, or big game, the amount of training and preparation is extensive. You have to train your muscles and tissues to perform in the ways you want them to, which can ultimately lead to

How to Solve Your Aches and Pains Once and For All
May 20th, 2019Do you ever wake up feeling stiff and achy, as if your body is being weighed down by a pile of bricks? Everyone wakes up feeling like this from time to time – you might have had a tough workout the day before, you might have spent an excessive amount of time on your feet