Whether it is a pop in the knee with every step that you take, or a crack of your fingers with every attempt to open a jar, chances are that you aren’t going to realize just how much you rely on your joints to perform up to par until you are experiencing regular joint pain.

Your Joints Hurting? 4 Ways Physical Therapy Can Help Relieve Arthritis Pain
December 10th, 2019
Tired of Your Hip and Knee Pain? Find Lasting Relief with Physical Therapy
November 20th, 2019Is it difficult for you to engage in your regular activities due to hip or knee pain? Whether your hip or knee pain occurs when you’re moving or sitting, physical therapy can help get you back to your regular routine. Be sure to call RX Physical Therapy for a consult to find out how we

If You Have any of These 5 Symptoms, You May Need Physical Therapy.
October 20th, 2019Physical therapy is a highly beneficial form of treatment that can address many of the most common sources of pain. However, there are many people who don’t realize that the pain they are experiencing is something that can be easily addressed with physical therapy. If you are experiencing any of the five common symptoms listed